Board Meeting                                                                                               Approved 02/10/04

January 6, 2005



Present:          French, King, Steiner, Hotaling, Williams, Passalacqua, Young, Hughes, Sullivan, Capozzo, Sottana

Excused:         Machado, Wilson

Guest:             Doc Waslohn

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Non Member Guest Usage

Mr. Waslohn is requesting the Board to extend a six month guest privilege beginning the first six months of 2005, for his daughter and son-in-law’s family as they consider relocating to the Green Valley area.  They are currently renting a home in Green Valley while they determine if they want to settle here after relocating from abroad.  Waslohn further suggested the privileges could be limited to off peak times, requiring the same food and beverage minimums as required by members or other requirements the Board might find appropriate.

The Board discussed their concern of setting a precedent. Passalacqua motion that in the best interest of the membership not to approve the request.  Hughes seconded the motion.  The motion carried (6-2).

Minutes of December 2, 2004

Sullivan motioned to approve, King seconded.  The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

The report was accepted.  Hotaling will review a new reporting format with the financial manager.

Membership Sales & Notations

There were no applications for membership to present to the Board.  The Board took note of one Notice To Sell and two reductions in the selling price of memberships.


Board of Directors & Committee Chairpersons Dinner

A dinner has been scheduled for January 27, 2005 at 6:00 p.m.  The dinner will be to discuss the goals of 2005.


Committee Reports

Greens: An irrigation consultant meeting has been scheduled.  The new greens are growing, and look good.

Due to safety concerns, Young feels a wall is needed at #2 tee.  He suggested the tee be moved forward 15-20 feet to construct a concrete rock wall, remove the current landscape and replace it with the #2 tee.  The turnaround for golf carts will be where the benches are currently located.  Estimated cost is $35, 000 - $40,000.  This idea will be discussed further at the February Board meeting.

Golf: Mike Roach resigned as chairman at the end of 2004.  Rich Gerhardt is now the new chairman.


House: Renovations to the Ballroom have begun.  The Wednesday Night Family Dinner will be a buffet held in the Terrace the month of January and the first Wednesday of February.  An a la carte menu will be available in the Oakroom with limited reservations.

The committee is requesting to purchase mirrors for the Ballroom as some of the bids for the Ballroom have come in lower than expected.  Frames for the mirrors will come from the large framed pictures donated to the Club.  Funds to purchase the mirrors would come from the approved 2005 C.I.F.  Passalacqua motioned to approve the request if the allocated funds stay within the budget.  Steiner seconded, the motion carried.

Tennis: The committee is finalizing drawings and bids for renovating the facilities to present to the Board.

Membership: Sullivan proposed adding a Social Class of membership at a price to be determined.  Hughes would like to include or incorporate a Tennis Class of membership with the proposal.  The Board is in favor of the concept and would like the committee to pursue the proposal.

Purchase of “Welcome to GVCC”  DVD: Passalacqua motioned to approve the purchase of approximately 100 DVD’s with funds to come from operations.  Some VHS’s should be included with this purchase.  Sullivan seconded, the motion carried.  The Board would like all committees to view the DVD.

Roberts Rule & Order

Williams requested an itemized list of pending business to be completed for each Board meeting.

Old & New Business

Credit Cards & ATM Machine:  Credit card machines have been installed in the Golf Pro Shop.   The Board would like credit cards purchases extended to the main bar area for guests.

Capozzo requested to research installation of an ATM machine at GVCC.  Young motioned that credit card purchases be available at the main bar area for outside functions, and pricing for the installation of an ATM at GVCC.  Passalacqua seconded, the motion carried.

Correspondence: A member letter suggesting raising the minimum spending dues.  Hotaling asked how GVCC compares with other country clubs, Napa and local restaurants.  The Board would like to know how many members do not meet their minimum.

Correspondence: A member letter regarding a 2004 outside event held in the Terrace.  There are no 2005 events booked for the Terrace.  It is understood that no outside events are to be held in the Terrace.

Correspondence: Hotaling distributed a member letter to be discussed at the February Board meeting.

February Board of Directors Meeting

The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 6:30 p.m.  This is the second Thursday of February.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Jeff Wilson, Secretary